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Launch the Ark server

We're going to ensure that all dependencies are running properly, configure your server settings, start aspd, then fund your server to complete the setup.

Start your signet node

Launch a signet bitcoin node using the following command.

bitcoind --signet --daemon

If your bitcoin.conf file is empty, this will launch a signet node.

By default the node will:

  • Create a cookie in ~/.bitcoin/signet/.cookie
  • The RPC interface will listen on port 38332

You can verify this using:

bitcoin-cli -signet \
    -rpcconnect=localhost \
    -rpcport=38332 \
    -rpccookiefile=$HOME/.bitcoin/signet/.cookie \

Start your PostgreSQL database

Install and run PostgreSQL as described in the dependencies section before proceeding with the server configuration.

Create a config file

Create a config.toml file that specifies the configuration of your Ark server.

data_dir = "./aspd"
network = "regtest"
vtxo_expiry_delta = 144
vtxo_exit_delta = 12
htlc_delta = 6
htlc_expiry_delta = 6
round_interval = "10s"
round_submit_time = "2s"
round_sign_time = "2s"
nb_round_nonces = 64
round_tx_feerate = "2500sat/kwu"
sweep_tx_fallback_feerate = "2500sat/kwu"
round_sweep_interval = "1h"
round_board_confirmations = 12
sweep_threshold = 1000000
rpc_rich_errors = true

public_address = ""
admin_address = ""

host = "localhost"
port = 5432
name = "aspdb"
user = "postgres"
password = "postgres"

url = ""
cookie = "/home/<username>/.bitcoin/signet/.cookie"

Run the Ark server

Once you've got the dependencies running and set up your configuration, you can launch the server using:

aspd create --config <path-to-your-toml-file>

Fund the server

You can retrieve the address using:

export ASPD_ADDRESS=$(aspd rpc get-address)

Generate some blocks:

bitcoin-cli -signet -generate 106

And send 10 bitcoin to the Ark server address:

bitcoin-cli -signet sendtoaddress $ASPD_ADDRESS 10